Innovation in 2017

Jtech Jack Hayes – Blogpost 1

Written by Jack Hayes
  • What are the three most important core values you think journalists must have in today’s world? Why?

I believe Integrity, perseverance and courage are the three core values journalists must have in todays age. Particularly in Australia – with the concentration of media ownership that we have – integrity in news gathering and presentation is incredibly important; to make sure what you are producing is in the public’s interest, rather than interesting to the public. With the evolving landscape we are experiencing as journalists, and a never ending line of average joe’s saying “journalism is dead”, coupled with the cut throat environment that is news gathering, perseverance is a value to would be universal for all journalists. And finally courage. Even within the first two years of studying journalism, I have been taken out of my comfort zone on countless occasions, so I believe that to make it as a journalist you have to leave you inhibitions aside and take a jump into the deep end.

  • How can those values be useful in approaching digital tools we have today to produce good journalism?

Although integrity should find itself in every aspect of journalism, whether that be news gathering or approaching news producing technology, I think perseverance and courage are more pertinent when discussion digital technology in journalism. By nature journalists these days are needing to be more versed in the technical side of news production – an aspect that I find, and I’m sure others do too – quite daunting. So by shaking off any technological doubts you may have, I feel you can become a much more rounded journalist.


  • Can you find at least one example of good online journalism that reflects these values? Make sure you provide a link to the example/s.

I have always been a huge fan of Patrick Carlyon’s Warkley Award winning piece on the Black Saturday bushfires. His accuracy, thoroughness and respect to the victims is something to aspire to.


About the author

Jack Hayes

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