Friday 21st July 2017
The current industry climate has been created through the rise of digital technologies, social media and citizen journalism – journalists face increasing pressure to ensure they uphold integrity through their work and practice.
Integrity is defined, in this context, as a journalist upholding a strong moral compass, ethical principles and honest practice throughout their career.
The role of journalism inherently requires honestly and fairness when reporting, as journalists act as a Fourth Estate or ‘watchdog for democracy’. These new technologies have undoubtedly influenced the production and sharing of news. While the industry is changing, integrity remains as a necessary quality. While research across a range of mediums and fact checking has always been a part of pre-print protocol, it is increasingly so in this digital age.
Digital technologies, growing internet penetration and the use of social media has transformed news audiences creating a culture and readership that demands free, instant, accessible news. The pressure to produce fast content poses many opportunities for the industry but also temptation for journalists to cut corners and save time through failing to effectively edit and review their work pre-print, or plagiarism. Integrity requires journalists to fulfil their role and service society despite these external pressures.
Similarly, the freedom of the internet and social media has allowed individuals to freely post and share information without monitoring from a third body, leading to the growth of ‘fake news’. Journalists must fact check, ensuring all information reported on, or used in their research, is verified in order to provide readers with an honest, holistic view of the topic, event or area.
When integrity is upheld during the use of, and experimentation with, digital technologies, journalists can create news and content that is innovative as well as fulfilling a journalists over-arching role of reporting honestly and ethically, which ultimately serves the public’s best interest.
Featured photo by Chris Evans is licensed under CC BY 2.0.