
Top 5 ways to make an impression in a job interview

Whether it’s your first job or your dream job, the interview process can be an anxiety-inducing one. It’s your opportunity to stand out, especially when you’re up against potentially hundreds of other candidates. You want to be the last one standing? Well, here’s how…

1. Confidence.
From the moment you walk into the workplace, you own it. Remember, the job is yours to win. This begins with confidence. Be sure to give everyone you meet a genuine greeting. Introducing yourself and your brand is a must. Maintain eye-contact with the interviewer to show you are genuinely interested in what they have to say and the job itself. Treat them as though they are your future boss.

2. Dress for the job you want
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Remember, you want to look like you’re serious about this job (or at least appear to be). Rocking up to an interview with sandals and shorts will not create a good impression. Sure, this may be superficial, but it’s important. So, bite the bullet, go to David Jones and buy the suit.

3. Have questions prepared.
There is nothing worse than being unprepared when walking into an interview. Not only does it place unnecessary stress on yourself, it also shows a lack of interest. Have questions prepared about the company, expectations and workplace culture. This is a really good chance to build a relationship with the interviewer, and show them you have done your research. Remember, you care about this organisation. If there is ever an awkward silence, this is a great chance to fill the space with one of your questions.

4. Turn up early
If you’re going to be late, you may as well not show up at all.

5. Remember the name of the person interviewing you.

Addressing people by their name is endearing and a great way to build a relationship. It shows you are taking an interest in them as a person, and as a potential employer. What better way to finish an interview than saying, “Thanks for your time, Stephanie. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”

About the author

Bethany Hayes

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