
Movie Review: White House Down

white house down

From the guy who brought you Independence Day comes one of the most heart racing films of the year.

It should come as no surprise that White House Down is full of explosions, crazy action sequences and hunky heroes.

I know what you’re thinking, it’s just another action movie where the White House gets blown apart. But you’d be wrong, there’s a heartfelt message at the film’s core, a plea to end war and choose the pen over the sword.

My blood was pumping the entire time as military trained mercenaries took control of the White House in the hopes of unleashing chaos on the world.

I thought it was interesting the film featured a Bradley Manning type character mixed in with the  villains, an ex-military hacker, using his skills to take over the White House systems.

Be prepared for the ultimate twist and just wait until you figure out who the real mastermind is.

Channing Tatum plays the stereotypically invincible hunk by the name of John Cale. He is an ex-military bodyguard whose 10-year-old daughter is obsessed with politics and the President. Channing Tatum’s performance had a level of maturity that I haven’t seen in him before. It was a well-layered performance.

Jamie Foxx was stellar as President Swayer. He would get my vote any day. I loved seeing the personal side of the leader of the free world.

Maggie Gyllenhaal played agent Finnerty, a strong and independent woman who never gives up in her attempts to avert disaster. Even though she didn’t take part in the action, she really stood her own ground among the men.

The film had a few funny parts and quirky characters but I wouldn’t label it a comedy, although there was a sneaky reference to Independence Day.

As I already mentioned there is no shortage of explosions but there is also a great car chase inside the grounds of the White House. Obviously some of the action was a bit unbelievable and Cale and President Sawyer seemed to be practically indestructible however, I still really enjoyed the film.

My favourite performance has to go to Joey King who played Emily Cale, John’s daughter. She was intelligent and brave beyond her years. She sent footage of the criminals behind the attack to the outside world and saves the White House from total destruction. This young girl was great with the perfect amount of sass and she gives a truly believable performance amongst the unbelievable action.

I really loved this film. I went in expecting an average action film and I walked out feeling like I had just been on the most epic mission to save not only the President of the United States, but also the entire world. Isn’t foiling bad guys’ evil plans the most fun?

This film gets four explosions out of five.

About the author

Kristie-Lee Clifford

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