Journalism Technologies – Blog Post 1
Question 1
Contemporary journalists are faced with many challenges. There are a number of key values modern day journalists must attempt to abide by in facing these challenges. The three values I consider as the most important are integrity, balance/fairness and impartiality.
Integrity ensures the information that is being disseminated through the media is as truthful and as accurate as possible. It is important because it counters the spread of fake news and misinformation. Balance and fairness are also two important values that go hand in hand. They are important for journalists to adopt in today’s world because the holistic portrayal of a story is imperative in journalism. Showing all sides of a particular issue or event is key! By being balanced, journalists are able to explore and show an event or issue in the most accurate manner.
Impartiality, I believe is also one of the most central values a journalist must adhere to. Independence also links to balance and fairness in the sense that for a journalist to provide a truly accurate and fairly balanced story, they must show no biases and approach the story in a manner that does not reflect their own opinions in any way.
Question 2
Plagiarism can be eliminated by having integrity and certain moral standards as well as adhering to honesty when using digital technology. Adopting high moral standards and integrity in journalistic work is important because it ensures all the information you and I are exposed to on a daily basis, is not just copied from another source and credit is duly paid.
Balance and fairness are important to have when using digital technology because it ensures a somewhat even spread of the way in which we are exposed to issues and events. The different forms of multimedia that can share a story is incredible and can cater for all different audiences so I think having an equally balanced website, for example, allows for journalists to really engage an audience in a number of different ways.
Impartiality allows for an independent view no matter which medium is used to disseminate the information, when it comes to digital technology. It also allows for an unbiased standpoint of a particular issue or event, portrayed in a number of different ways.