Innovation in 2017

Journalism: Standing by your values

Written by Meg Sydes


There are many values which are important for journalists’ to stand by in today’s world these include, courage, independence, integrity, persistence, accountability, accuracy, and objectivity. In this post, I will focus on the latter two.

Technology continues to evolve and with it so do the ways we tell and share stories. Modern technology has brought with it digital publishing, which has ultimately sped up the process finding information and putting together a story, with readers expecting access to the latest news 24 hours a day. This means that now when something newsworthy occurs, say a politician releasing new and significant information in a press conference, journalists’ are no longer just preparing stories for the following day’s paper. This emphasis on speed and being the first news outlet to publish information means getting stories up as fast as possible. However, often this results in journalists’ not having adequate time for fact-checking. Accuracy is a fundamental journalistic value to be considered in this situation as providing accurate information means the difference between reader’s trusting you and having faith in the practice of journalism as a whole.

One of the most exciting things about digital publishing is that you are given the potential to reach a wider audience, where regional journalists’ have the ability to reach a global audience.  As journalists’, we are encouraged to use social media platforms to create a brand for ourselves as well as to gather information for potential stories.  However, as journalists’, we are also expected to remain objective, and the conflict that exists is in posting personal commentary on current issues on these platforms. While posting about stories on twitter, it is still crucial to remember as a journalist it is our job to keep in mind that there is more than one side of any story and we need to continue to attempt to share both sides.



About the author

Meg Sydes

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