Never have I found such a medium that fulfils me so perfectly. They way the pictures slide so effortlessly into one another. The embedded links and blown up photography.
My greatest love of the semester comes in the form of a wonderful medium, scrollytelling.
Now to halt on the dramatics, my introduction to scrollytelling and Shorthand came during the multimedia assessment, where I was wanting to showcase my storytelling skills through a cohesive display of my work. Seeing how the templates displayed a variety of information boosted my curiosity. I found myself inspired to explore new and different avenues of expression.
I mean, look a the example ‘Mirrows’. Who wouldn’t want to read that.
I’ve always loved to chat, with many teachers scolding me for my often inappropriately timed conversations. Well isn’t this the outlet for me. A combination of written, visual and oral components tied neatly into one.
This assessment, and my newfound appreciation for scrollytelling, aided me in applying for a scholarship. The interactive platform allowed me to express my story in a visual way, providing more in depth and personalised information. This, I hope, will assist me in standing out from other applicants, showcasing my broad skill set in a creative manner.
Now, my boastfulness here is not to say I wasn’t challenged…
Numbers and graphs have never been my forte, with my strengths lying in writing and creative expression. The data portion of the Journalism Technologies course introduced me to a whole new skill set, that without, I would have struggled with after graduation. Whilst challenging and at times, mind numbing, I now feel competent enough to seek out stories and information that I otherwise would have been too afraid to do so.
The final group assessment saw me truly drifting away from my comfort zone. Interviewing unsuspecting people on the street, and uploading it for many to see. My TikTok components, while fun to film, really ignited that fear that growing up in a small town embeds in you. Judgement.
Despite this, and despite my whole hometown seeing and commenting on them, it was a large confidence booster for me. I was creating content that I loved and enjoyed, and was able to receive real-world criticism for the first time.
Even my old boss saw this…
To those who will come after me, my biggest piece of advice is to push boundaries and explore new avenues. While you may think that print media is the only outlet for you, challenge yourself to try podcasting, or video explainers. It can seem daunting and challenging, yet you might be surprised as to what passion erupts from it, and how this is emulated in your work.