I’m Jonathan Pertile.
I study Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication) at RMIT University and I am a second year student.
I am the producer and host of Jono Talks and The Sports Epilogue at SYN Media. I’ve interviewed one of the world’s fastest speedcubers Feliks Zemdegs and stand-up comedian Adam Jacobs.
It’s a versatile podcast, ranging from long form conversations, solo shows and analyses. The show also features succinct highlight packages.

The Sports Epilogue is an all angled talk show which includes but is not limited to: football, soccer, mixed martial arts and tennis. I have co-hosted The Sports Epilogue with SEN 1116’s Karl Bianco. I write sports articles for The Roar, a publication which covers sports both in Australia and abroad. I’ve written extensive feature articles for Centrethought. A few noteworthy topics I’ve written about include: feminism, marriage equality, the Coalition leadership and broken election promises. At the moment my interests lie in sports broadcasting and analysis but I’m also interested in other subjects such as politics.