The way of living which excludes all animal products from food is called vegan, for the benefit of human health, animals and the environment. The once-called trend has not died off, with veganism being a permanent and common dietary choice among society. Discussion pages, posts and endless documentaries continue to drown social media in the perpetual dietary choice. High-profiled celebrities such as Liam Hemsworth, Tobey Maguire, Jennifer Lopez, Lea Michelle and Ellen Degeneres are on board this way of life for the same reason, but more need to jump on board. Between 1971 and 2010, meat production tripled to 600 billion pounds per year. It’s time for the world to take a serious look at their diet, to reconsider doing without products derived from animals for a healthier lifestyle, and to save our planet and animals for a more financially friendly cost.

Time to Turn To A Vegan Diet (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
Health is a main concern in Australia, with long-term diseases affecting the nation, there is one diet that Australians can turn to. A plant-based diet proves to help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure and mitigate obesity and high cholesterol. The diet solely made up of fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and more is rich in protein, iron, calcium, fibre and vitamins while low in saturated fats and packed with antioxidants. Diabetes is a leading disease in the nation, with 280 Australians developing it every day (AIHW, 2015). If that doesn’t stagger you, cardiovascular disease in Australia is a major cause of death, affecting one in six. With animal products being the main source of saturated fats and the sole source of cholesterol, why are we eating them if this is going to kill our bodies? The Netflix documentary What The Health by Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn, shocked the world as it reveals eating one serving of processed meat a day increases the risk of developing diabetes by 51 percent.
What the Health is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy. The film exposes the collusion and corrup…
What The Health Trailer, from the award-winning creators of Cowspiracy.
The demand for the production of meat and animal products is high, carrying a heavy burden on our planet every day. The transport systems, water requirement and arduous processes and distributions for the world’s consumption of meat is taking a serious toll on the environment. The raising of animals for food needs huge amount of land, food and energy, with 3.5 billion humans able to live off food fed to the animals each year. A staggering 5.6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beens for animals in Europe. The facts are there and they are high, animal agriculture is contributing over 51 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions each year (WWI). If the world all went vegan, only a third of the land would be required for a plant-based diet in comparison to an animal-based diet.
@airnewsalerts Stop fasting for killing millions of animals in evening. Meat eating is cruelty to animals and a great burden to environment.
— Rameshwar Singh (@rsingh631) June 29, 2014
The welfare of animals is an issue that is not confronted to meat and animal eaters enough. Animals are starved, thirsted, malnourished, tortured and discomforted by disease, all for the pleasure of one’s taste. In factory farms, animals endure fear and torment in dark spaces and small cages, so that the factory farms can minimise costs and make more money by producing as many animals as possible into tiny spaces. They are pumped with antibiotics to grow faster, some even genetically manipulated to produce more milk or eggs then they normally would. Such widespread use of antibiotics can lead to bacterias that can threaten human health. The treatment of animals for food is unethical and inhumane, they are tortured and slaughtered, mostly still conscious at the time while they’re bodies are skinned or hacked apart. It’s time to save our animals by leaving meat off our plates.
Official “Glass Walls” Video by Paul McCartney | PETA
Subscribe: 🔔Turn on ALL push notifications 🔔Music legend and activist Paul McCartney delivers a powerful narration of this must-…
Glass Walls by Paul McCartney explores the torturing of animals for humans plates.
Little do you know, vegan diets will appeal to your hip-pocket nerve. While a cheap McDonalds burger is a cost effective option, it is also the most calories. But all vegan and super foods are not expensive. Many of them are actually affordable in a plant-based diet which you can buy grains, beans, seeds, legumes, tofus and vegetables in bulk. Preparing your own food for the week will also be cost effective and economical, full of fibre and making you fuller for longer. It is meat and animal products that clog our bodies with saturated fats, injected hormones, cholesterol and antibiotics that will ultimately causes illnesses and diseases. With sickness comes a cost.

Vegan can be cost-effective too (Photo Credit: ANCD)
As the fifth fattest nation in the developed world (OECD, 2017), it is time to take a serious look at what Australians are consuming. Having a vegan-based diet will not only aid in the promotion of wait loss but also an overall lower body mass index (BMI) and increased energy levels. Animal products are the major source of dietary saturated fats, so by removing this from an everyday lifestyle, one will feel slimmer, have an improved athletic performance with fewer aches, faster recovery and more energetic.

Slim Down & Get Fit like Stephanie Barrow. (Photo Credit: Hannah Clarke)
By Hannah Clarke, vegetarian for 9 years, vegan for 1 year.
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