

Written by Anna McGuinness
The clock is ticking… its getting closer to midnight and your assignment is due. You told yourself you’d start this a week ago. All you’ve written is the title. Well buckle up, we’re here to save you with these 5 crucial tips to nailing your cram session.
1. Create A Checklist: Write down a list of everything you need to do. Break it down into small manageable steps. This will stop you feeling overwhelmed by the enormous task ahead.
2. Assign Time to Each Item: Give yourself smaller deadlines to maintain motivation and foster a sense of achievement as you meet your goals. Assign time limits to each item on your check list and do your best to stick to it. Be realistic in choosing times. You don’t want to let yourself down, but you also want to have a sense of urgency. Prioritise where you allocate the most time, you don’t have time to waste an hour deciding on fonts.
3. Scheduled Breaks: Take short breaks. Download a time management app or just use the timer on your phone. A good tip is to have a five minute break every 25 minutes of work. Use your breaks wisely, and don’t get too distracted from the task at hand. Make yourself a cup of tea, snack on some brain food such as blueberries which are high in antioxidants or play fetch with your dog to get some fresh air and a rush of endorphins. Have a longer break for lunch to ensure you’re not studying on an empty stomach.
4. Hydrate: Keep a refreshing bottle of water on your desk. You could add some lemon or cucumber slices for some extra flavour and aesthetic for your inevitable #studygram Insta story. Not only is hydration good for the brain, you will be less likely to waste time in the kitchen looking for snacks, because your stomach will feel fuller. This means more time at your desk.
5. Just Get The Work Done: Why are you reading this article? You’re clearly a lost cause procrastinating doing work by telling yourself reading about work is the same thing. If you have reached this stage of the article, you are a procrastination pro. Nothing we have said here is new. All you have done is waste more of your precious time. Crack that whip buddy.

About the author

Anna McGuinness

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